
CDL Enrollment Form

CDL Enrollment Form

CDL School

NJ tractor trailer training

Fill out this CDL Enrollment Form and in 4 short weeks, you can be ready for these PROFESSIONAL TRUCK DRIVING opportunities.

CDL Training Programs

EZ Wheels makes it easy to enroll* in our training programs for truck drivers, bus drivers and forklift operators and trainers:

EZ Wheels admits students without regard to race, color, creed, gender, age or national origin.

What we do for our students

To qualify for CDL you must be

CDL & Forklift Training Application Form

Do you currently have a valid license for the state that you live in?
Do you presently have points on your driving record?
Has your license ever been revoked or suspended?
I certify that the above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge(Required)